We’ve Moved!

30 01 2010

Update your links to my new self hosted site at http://www.wiredvision.co.nz/

Control your PC from Twitter?!

16 06 2009

Interesting concept so I thought I would check it out.

A little application called TweetMyPC has the ability to read you tweets on Twitter where ever you are tweeting from, then convert them to a command for you computer to respond to.

For example you are at work and on Twitter. You post a tweet “ip” (without the quotes) your home PC running TweetMyPC will pick this up as a command and reply to you with your home PC’s IP address. There is a number of potentially useful comands which you can find here http://www.codegeeks.net/tweetmypc-what-next.

While this is still an early release of the application and may pose some security/privacy risk, the question has to be asked – are there any limitations  with this seemingly basic social networking site??